
Investments we have made

Unilife Corporation (UNIS)

A History of Missed Deadlines, Aggressive Cash Burn, and Vague Supply Agreements Suggest...

Sourcefire, Inc. (FIRE)

Short-Lived Upsell Opportunity has Concealed Decelerating Growth, Slowing Customer Adds,...

EZchip Semiconductor Ltd.

Immediate Competitive Threats, Customer Defections and Unsustainable Valuation

ServiceNow, Inc. (NOW)

Decelerating Growth, Limited Market Size Point to Large Downside

ParkerVision, Inc.

20-Year Track Record of Value Destruction

Mellanox Technologies

End of Romley Upgrade Signals Steep Downside

ChinaCast Education Corporation

Chinese Filings Reveal Serious Red Flags

Advanced Battery Technologies, Inc.

Overstated SEC Filings Suggest Fraud

China Education Alliance, Inc.

Broken Websites, Empty Training Center and Fabricated SEC Filings Suggest Fraud


Solar Cell Manufacturers Likely to Face Bankruptcy

Coal – Part 2

Alpha Natural Resources (ANR) and Foundation Coal (FCL)

Coal – Part 1

Supply-Demand Dynamics of Met and Steam Coal